I see this a lot, and I get that today’s political climate is a monster. But this sentiment makes it sound like it was once easier. I believe we are both around 50 and in my lifetime, until the last few years, I’d only ever met or seen a handful of trans people. Now, they’re everywhere—shouting their stories, influencing corporations, and I only see this snowballing as GenZs come into adulthood.
As hard as things are—isn’t now also a bit of a marvel, in terms of how quickly things have changed in many circles for the better?
I realize as a cishet woman I may be overstepping—but as a mom (or mom-adjacent) to so many kids who are GNC or trans, I’m a bit in awe of the speed of progress made (as much as I can see the flip side of that progress in the egregious legislation being passed).
What do you think? Am I missing something, and things were better in the past when no spotlight was shining on trans visibility? Thanks in advance!