IngenXybyDana DuBoisHow to End a Love Story in 214 WordsWhy this GenX woman won’t date the politically neutral (and neither should you).Feb 268Feb 268
InThe MemoiristbyDana DuBoisMy Dad, Dementia, and the Things We Don’t ForgetIn the end, all we want is to be remembered.Feb 2059Feb 2059
InAge of EmpathybyDana DuBoisDon’t Date Men With Verbs for NamesThis Valentine’s Day, I’m looking at Mark, Rob, Peter, Matt, Don, Bill, Wade, Pat, Chuck, Crane, and Will and saying — don’t do it.Feb 1421Feb 1421
InAge of EmpathybyDana DuBoisI Took My Teens to a Speed Dating EventWhat would Carrie Bradshaw do?Dec 9, 202433Dec 9, 202433
InAge of EmpathybyDana DuBoisWas it an Unrequited Love Letter to Him, or an Unexpected Love Letter to Myself?Revisiting an epic billet doux, one year later.Nov 13, 20243Nov 13, 20243
InAge of EmpathybyDana DuBoisI Flew 3,000 Miles for My Dad’s 80th Birthday. He Can’t Remember I Was There.So why did I go?Oct 25, 202449Oct 25, 202449
InHeart AffairsbyDana DuBoisDating the “Test and Apologize” TypeThe test is in earnest. The apology never is. Or is it?Oct 9, 202437Oct 9, 202437
InHeart AffairsbyDana DuBoisI Gave My Consent. He Gave Me Bruises.My meet-cute went wrong: Was it misaligned expectations or old-fashioned lying?Sep 22, 202427Sep 22, 202427
InThe MemoiristbyDana DuBoisA German Guy and Jewish Girl Met in a Goth Club in Atlanta…We had a cross-country, cross-continent summer love that changed the trajectory of my life.Jul 23, 202416Jul 23, 202416
InCatnessbyDana DuBoisLooking for Linus the Lost CatSometimes a search for a cat is more than a search for a cat.Aug 19, 202438Aug 19, 202438
InThree Imaginary GirlsbyDana DuBois45 Years of Friendship Meets 25 Years of “69 Love Songs”I flew to San Francisco and met my best friend for the Magnetic Fields’ two-night show at the Curran Theater.Jul 15, 202427Jul 15, 202427
InAge of EmpathybyDana DuBoisHow I Learned Not to Date DownI thought I could spare myself heartache by settling. I was wrong.Jul 9, 2024117Jul 9, 2024117
InThe Narrative ArcbyDana DuBoisFor Daughters Who Can Never Find a Father’s Day Card That Fits…Hallmark doesn’t quite make rhyming couplets for my challenging relationship with my dad.Jun 14, 202432Jun 14, 202432
InAge of EmpathybyDana DuBoisWishing a Happy Father’s Day to My Stepfather, the FelonWe all contain multitudes. His just included actual prison time.Jun 12, 202419Jun 12, 202419
InSexographybyDana DuBoisHey, Bumble! Is “MILFs and Bacon” the Best You Can Do?We’ve told you what we want. Why won’t you listen?May 24, 202419May 24, 202419
InHuman PartsbyDana DuBoisI Lost a Daughter. She Lost Her Third Mom.On Mother’s Day, I think of Katy, who I loved as my own. I lost her when I lost him.May 8, 202438May 8, 202438
InThe MemoiristbyDana DuBoisA Visit with My Dad and Celine Dion at the Memory CareHow dementia has brought my Dad and I near — even as we are still far.Mar 18, 202434Mar 18, 202434
InAge of EmpathybyDana DuBoisI’m Going “Mansober” for MarchTaking a dating break by taking “Boysober” up a notch.Mar 5, 202421Mar 5, 202421
InThe MemoiristbyDana DuBoisHow to Divorce WellMy ex’s birth date is a proclamation for how to “march forth” to a strong post-marriage relationship.Mar 13, 202423Mar 13, 202423
InAge of EmpathybyDana DuBoisDon’t Call it a Rebound. I Was a Romantic Wet Nurse.Like a therapist and cam girl wrapped in one — and it sucked me dry.Mar 3, 202413Mar 3, 202413